Although anyone could become a serial killer, over 80% of them are Caucasian males in their twenties to thirties. They are generally intelligent and kill Caucasian women, since serial killers tend to kill people within their own race. There is no real way to tell who is a serial killer just by their appearance. Serial killers are often portrayed as ugly people that look mean and evil, but the truth is that they could be the nice, handsome young man down the street that the community loves. Even Ted Bundy was described as charming and attractive. Some killers are shy and introverted, while others are outgoing.
Although it is hard to discern killers when they are children, many serial killers exhibited characteristics of the MacDonald triad (bedwetting, arson, and cruelty to animals) as children. Just because a child wets the bed or kicks a puppy does not mean that they're destined to kill. But if they do not attempt to stop or show no remorse in their actions, it might be something to worry about. In cases of animal abuse, some children may be merely reenacting what someone has already done to them, as in the case of young Jesse Pomeroy. Serial killers are likely to come from broken homes with a history of abuse and neglect, but some had stable, and even loving families.
Although serial killers are primarily male, there are also plenty of females that have killed as well. There are even "team killers," a group of two or more people that team up for their audacious acts. The groups are generally male/female, but can also be male/male and female/female. Even children who seem young and pure can be vicious murderers.
When it comes down to it, there isn't much of a possibility to predict exactly who will become a serial killer. Many identified serial killers exhibit some of the same traits, either as children or within their personality. Since we can't analyze and profile everyone in the world to determine if they exhibit the traits of a serial killer, many, if not all, could go unnoticed until the time they choose to commit their crimes.
You never know, you could pass a serial killer just walking down the street.
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